Exceptional Prenatal & Postpartum Care
Prenatal Care
Prenatal care is the foundation of midwifery care. We see clients every three weeks until 28 weeks of pregnancy, then every two weeks until the last month when we do weekly visits. Each prenatal visit is an hour long, giving us ample time to accomplish both clinical and psycho-social aspects of prenatal care. We care for each pregnant person as an individual, and knowing their particular history and needs and preferences before birth allows us to tailor our care for the best possible outcome.

Frequently Asked Questions About The Birth Center And Our Services

Postpartum Care
Postpartum care occurs in your home after the birth. We generally do hour-long home visits on day one and three as well as in the second and fourth weeks, with a final visit at the birth center at six weeks after the birth. We are available 24/7 during the first six weeks. We do ask that parents choose a pediatrician for a well-baby visit in the second week. During postpartum visits we assess the well-being of new parent and baby including baby’s feeding, weight gain, and output. We are able to provide the Metabolic Newborn Screen (NBS) and the Congenital Heart Defect Screen as well as Vitamin K and eye ointment. We assess postpartum bleeding, vital signs, sleep and emotional well-being.
We are skilled in breastfeeding assessment and support, have an IBCLC and lactation educators on staff and refer as necessary for more intensive support.