Birth Photos
These beautiful people have graciously offered to share their most intimate moments of transformation with the world in order to testify to the power of their bodies and spirits. We bow to them.
photo by Mikaela Hamilton
photo by Mikaela Hamilton
photo by Mikaela Hamilton
photo by Mikaela Hamilton
photo by Mikaela Hamilton
photo by Mikaela Hamilton
photo by Mikaela Hamilton
photo by Mikaela Hamilton
photo by Mikaela Hamilton
Photo by Rebecca Coursey
Photo by Rebecca Coursey
Photo by Rebecca Coursey
photo credit auriellephoto.com
photo credit auriellephoto.com
photo credit auriellephoto.com
photo credit auriellephoto.com
Our 11 pounder!
looking at the placenta
Born into father's hands
cord around the neck, no problem
photo credit iheartmygroomphotography
photo credit iheartmygroomphotography
Successful VBAC! auriellephoto.com
photo by auriellephoto.com
successful VBAC
photo credit Kim Summer
getting some oxygen while staying at the birth center
we "mother the mother" after birth!
grandma and midwife (and best friends) get to do the newborn exam together) <3